Visual Identity
Visual system for Protopia, an AI privacy company with headquarters in Austin, which provides users with the necessary technology to enable the devices surrounding them to keep other data not related to their primary task private, while still allowing AIs to serve their purpose.
The ask was to create an identity that would then reflect the concept of privacy throughout its assets and materials. The logo searches to communicate this idea by hiding some of the main parts of the letters in the beautiful Aeonik typeface used for it. The smooth animation revealing the logo helps to reinforce the main concept.
The gold gradient and the rich black together with the white are the main colors used on the system's palette. However, a darker gray and a couple of solid colors extracted from the gradient are part of it as well. More neutral and pastel-y colors are used to complement all these.
Have a project in mind or want to collaborate? Please reach out at: [email protected]